- Reduction in the strength of the material, potential deformation and failure under imposed loading.
- Embrittlement of the material due to rapid cooling associated with fire-fighting efforts.
- Expansion of the steel, leading to deformation and increased stresses, depending on the degree of restraint imposed by the structural system.
- Weakening or failure of connection elements such as bolts and welds.
- Impact damage from dislodged or failed construction materials.
- Destruction of protective coatings.
- Progressive collapse of the structure due to localized failure of main structural elements.
For each type of hangers (6 Hangers) the consultant prepared reports, including the following:
- Survey for existing hangers:
- Complete structural analysis for existing hangers: The structural analysis for existing hangers included complete analysis to define the following data:
- Building number
- Maximum allowed live load
- Maximum allowed dead load
- Maximum allowed uplift force
- Maximum allowed shear force on purlins
- Type of sheet (sandwich panel or single layer)
- Hanger’s drawing
- Complete structural drawings for the hangers. (plan, sections & details)
- Elevations
Client: PADICO through its subsidiaries, PRICO Operations and Maintenance
Year :2021 – 2022