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Detailed Design Services in relation to the Detailed Design work for Gas for Gaza Pipeline in Gaza

Data gathering – Physical Survey’s and Desktop based Local logistics and arrangements for Expat site visits Local coordination with project stakeholders Support and inputs into the main deliverable reports Reporting on data gathered Supervision of all local visits and survey’s Attend meetings and workshop with clients and various stakeholders Supervision and facilitation of any required…

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Provision of Consultancy Services for WASH Facilities Design at Jabalia and Beach Camps

The intervention in Abu Rashed stormwater pond located in Jabalia Camp includes the rehabilitation of the drainage system, and increasing the depth of the pond by 1.5 meters, thus expanding the current capacity of the pond from 35,000 m3 to 42,500 m3 besides improving the base and upgrading the electro-mechanical components of the existing pumping…

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Vulnerability Assessment of Public Water Supply sources and Public Water Supply Risk Mapping in the West Bank and Gaza Strip

The following are the key project objectives: Developing a profile for water sources utilized by WSPs in the West Bank and Gaza Strip Define man made and natural threats and hazards for the WSPs and their water resources Define opportunities and adaptation measures at both the sources and WSPs Develop a detailed water vulnerability assessment…

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AL Omara Bldg ــ
AL Thawra str, Gaza, Palestine


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